The Overachievers: The Secret Lives of Driven Kids is a book that follows high school students from Whitman High School and portrays the everyday stresses of a high school student. This book not only shows the lives of academic achievers and perfectionists but also the athletic overachievers. It portrays the lives of nine high school students who have massive amounts of stress and full schedules. It also gives helpful tips to for parents, students, and the school administration to help relieve some of the stress the students encounter. In the book, Alexandra Robbins follows the lives of Taylor, who is perceived as “The Popular Girl,” AP Frank, who is perceived as “The Workhorse,” a mysterious junior who flies under the radar, perceived as “The Stealth Overachiever,” Sam, who is perceived as “The Teacher’s Pet,” C.J., who is perceived as “The Flirt,” Julie, who is perceived as “The Superstar,” Audrey, who is perceived as “The Perfectionist,” Pete, who is perceived as “The Meathead,” and Ryland, who is perceived as “The Slacker”. Throughout the book these nine people show that although you might be seen or see someone as a certain “Type” of person you will never know until you step in their shoes. I found this book to be a slow read; however, I did find the information to be fascinating and would recommend it to any high school student. - Braedon (Sunset Teen)
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